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Which anime character is your waifu

Pico Boku No Pico

A blonde haired boy who works a part time job at his grandfather's bar in the summer. He is 11. He's often shown swimming, usually naked or in a blue Speedo. He has worn girls' clothes ever since Tamotsu gave some to him as a gift. Later, feeling hurt that Tamotsu wouldn't define their relationship, he rebels by cutting his hair and running away from home, although later on they reconcile. The following summer, Pico meets Chico, who is swimming naked in a stream, while riding his bike. He soon becomes friends with Chico, who calls him "Oniichan" (big brother), and they form a romantic and sexual relationship. In his relationships with both Mokkun and Chico, he is the uke, though in the latter relationship this is somewhat reversible.
01:26 pm
Which anime character is your waifu

Chico Boku No Pico

A brunette boy who lives with Oneesan in a large house in a secluded forest area and develops a sexual relationship with Pico in the second episode. He is 10. He is younger and less sexually experienced than Pico. He often plays outdoors nude and secretly watches Oneesan masturbate. In most cases, Chico is the seme, despite his age, though his relationship with Pico is somewhat reversible.
01:00 pm
Which "-Dere" are You?

You're a Tsundere!

You're a Tsundere! Oh boy, you’re a bit of a spitfire, huh? Hey, nothing wrong with that! ...Usually! You’re not afraid to stand up for yourself, and that’s great. On the flip side, your spunk makes it super easy for your friends… and especially your S/O… to tease the heck out of you. You fall for bait pretty easily-- don’t be mad! Tell me I’m wrong! Something you need to work on is accepting your feelings and taking compliments. Your S/O loves you, but you don’t need to fuss at them every time they call you something sweet. They already know you love them. Popular Tsundere Example: Taiga Aisaka from Toradora!
Yesterday 11:49 pm
Bungou stray dogs


You can't do double suicide alone so I'll go with you
Yesterday 10:00 pm
Which anime are you from ?


This is what Lelouch thinking when you are talking with him: I'll use my power and make you one of my pawns! *hahahaha*
Jun 8, 2024
Wich anime character are you? (for girls)

Good job!😆

Jun 2, 2024
Which Naruto character are you?

Nara Shikamaru

You're someone with realistic expectations, so you do your best to keep them low. You're unenthusiastic and would rather chill at home than go out with friends. Even though you think you lack bravery, you know you will sacrifice anything for your important friends and your family. You are strong in both body and mind, leaving you as the evident leader.
Jun 2, 2024
how's your taste in anime girls

not for everyone

you're very particular about your anime girls, and that's okay
Jun 2, 2024
Which anime character is your waifu

Tamotsu Boku No Pico

Tamotsu (タモツ), also known as Mokkun, is a white collar worker and regular at Bebe.[2] He is a 22-year-old man who seduces Pico after mistaking him for a young girl, but continues the relationship after discovering Pico is in fact male. He later buys Pico a girl's outfit, complete with a ruby choker and panties, which he persuades Pico to wear despite his initial protests. He views Pico solely as a sexual object, though later shows true concern for Pico after he disappears. Although he eventually reconciles with Pico, he is absent in the second and third OVAs. In his relationship with Pico, he is the seme.
May 29, 2024
Which anime are you from ?


This is what Ceil thinking when you are talking with him: You baccar! I'll kill you with my demon butler. *smile*
May 29, 2024

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