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Mitsugu Mouryou’s Anime Review

Bamboo Blade was great fun for me, but then I’m a fan of Kendo. This is the classic tale of the troubles and tribulations of the struggling Muroe High School Kendo team. The story begins with only one remaining member: the super happy/hyper Kirino Chiba. The 3rd year students’ ruff, bullying nature chased off all the other club members, while their waning enthusiasm towards kendo keeps them from attending anymore. Here is where the story begins…
Based on a bet made with his sempai to easy his negative cash-flow problem, Toraji Ishida has only a few weeks to throw together an elite all girls kendo team. Of course, giving that initially he only has Kirino, things start off looking pretty grim.
The OST is not very memorable; neither is the opening/ closing credits.
The plot, though stretched a little at times, is a rather well written with a believable slice of life theme. There is no shortage of comedy, but don’t anticipate any ROFWLAWL.
Character design is very good, for most characters… I still wonder where the design for Donnie came from. Miya thinks he looks like a pangolin, Carrie insists he resembles her pet armadillo, Anderson, but he’s really shaped more like one of those Russian Matryoshka dolls. So with a few exceptions (5) character design is quite fine.
All of the main characters have a rich back story, so it’s quite easy to be swept up in it. They all really run the gambit such as: dedicated otaku; bipolar, artistic perfectionist; even their oblivious flaky instructor has good cause for being the way he is.
All and all, I found Bamboo Blade to be excellent background noise in any language, so I give it a 4.3(it would be higher but I try to keep my final rating unbiased) containing mild violence, I recommend viewing for any fan of kendo, shikendo, or any other form of sword fighting.

Thank you

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