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Mitsugu Mouryou’s Anime Review

Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion, being one of the few anime series that wasn’t a manga adaptation, failed to fall victim to the common pitfall… It didn’t stink! Code Geass is a great, addicting ride you don’t want to get off till it’s all over. When it does end, you’ll shout: Again!!

The plot: I don’t want to ruin this at all, because it is quite long and intricate, but not boring at all. Now I hate anime with giant Mecha, aka AC’s, MT’s, Strykers, or in this case Knightmares, but Code Geass is a major exception. There bit of a chess component to lay the ground works for Lelouch’s masterful skills as a tactician that bore some, but the continuous plot twists will keep you rather interested.
The music: Like so many before it, the opening themes(more than one) range form ok to kinda irritating. The closing credits aren’t much of an improvement, but the original score isn’t bad at all and sound quite German(18th century German).
The voice acting is quite good. Some of the voice over work is so familiar that I felt the need to look up the VA's, only to be very surprised. That’s usually the mark of a good voice actor, someone who may sound familiar, but uniquely distinct form character to character.
Character design: Here where things fall apart, kind of. All the characters were designed extra tall and thin with creepy hyper extended extremities. It was almost as if their design was a bizarre homage to Tim Burton’s work… Despite this, it was quite good especially the lovely Kallen, and one of the most beauteous anime characters ever: Villetta Nu.
Character development for all of the main characters was quite in-depth, as well as most of the supporting cast.
In conclusion: If graphic violence, epic plot twists, giant ninja Mecha battles, with some down home school time fun is your thing, Code Geass is a real winner! Highly recommend for the even the most lax, half-hearted of otaku, and great for pure background noise. You will also encounter some mild language, and brief nudity (2 eps), earning a score of 6.1(out of 10) Go put it on your ‘To Watch List’ if you haven’t seen it already.

Thank you

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